e l e v e n t y   -   t w o

Debuted: 08.15.2001
Status: active
Version: 26.0 - b r e a t h e ;
Completed: 100%

t h e   f a c t u a l ;

Eleventy-Two is the sometimes neglected weblog of mine. Ironically, it's also the site that I update the most (which shows you how often I update at all ^^;). The occasional entry varies from school activities to rants to opinions. Whatever suits my mood at the time.

t h e   h i s t o r y ;

This weblog's been through numerous title changes and many more host changes, because I just couldn't stick with one. Initially, it was titled "Modernized." Don't ask, I don't know why I decided the name. I started the blog in Geocities, having no clue that a blogging tool might make my life a lot easier. After I found that out, I switched to Greymatter and moved to a friend's domain. It resided at lightning-angel.net for a few years before it died, and my friend Jay offered me space on sapphiredreams.net. I was around version 3 then, and had just discovered the beauty of layer blending and fading. Some of my more amateur layouts can be found on this blog. At the time, I thought blending multiple images together was the coolest thing since sliced bread. In time, I improved, made many friends, switching layouts almost weekly. Those were the days where I actually updated more than once a day. *shock* I believe it was after I moved to sapphiredreams.net when I decided to rename the blog to "Dedication," for everything I dedicated myself to, and for everyone I dedicate something to. Sounds better, but still, I wasn't entirely satisfied because it was a common name. So, after about a year or two, I came up with a rather funky name. A friend of mine had a shirt that said "Eleventy-Two," and I thought that was pretty unique. I went with that name, because it's out of the ordinary.

t h e   o p i n i o n a t e d ;

The weblog is probably what I update the most often, usually with rants, stories, and opinions. If you get bored or something, check out what's going on in my life. Yes, I am aware that no one says the number 112 as eleventy-two, which was what I was aiming at, to be unique. :P

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