g r a v i   l o g s

Debuted: 12.02.2002
Status: active
Version: 2.0 - oh-so-sexyyyy
Completed: 100%

t h e   f a c t u a l ;

The one and only webring featured at AinoyumeNET, Gravi Logs is pretty self-explanatory. It's a ring for anyone who enjoys Gravitation and has a weblog. To date, it's still going strong, with submissions coming in at a steady pace.

t h e   h i s t o r y ;

Well, there isn't much history behind this webring. It's small, it's simple, and it has a straight forward purpose: to unite Gravi fans with weblogs. It was just an idea I had in mind, and I put it to action. It's a fun way to bring Gravi fans together and visitors can further interact by checking out the blogs.

t h e   o p i n i o n a t e d ;

What can I say? Gravitation rocks. To create a webring that unites fans of Gravi with weblogs has been my pleasure. If it's to spread the Gravi love, I'm all for it. :P

-- visit Gravi Logs --