s e r e n d i p i t y

Debuted: 05.07.2001
Status: active
Version: 1.0 - symphony no. 2
Completed: 100%

t h e   f a c t u a l ;

Serendipity has replaced Eleventy-Two as the site I update the most. It is my Livejournal of random ramblings. Reasons for having an LJ as well as a blog are stated below. Although the LJ was born in 2001, I've never revealed it to the public until now.

t h e   h i s t o r y ;

As mentioned above, the LJ was made on my 16th birthday, but I wanted to keep it private. Therefore, I didn't let anyone know aside from my friends. At the time, it was nameless, and simply a place for me to talk crazy, relax, and write about my day or my life. This, in a sense, was more my diary than my blog was. There were so many things that I liked about LJ. The private entries when you want it, the freedom of writing one liners, boring stories and stupid subjects, the option to cut off long entries, surveys, or memes. Yes, I enjoy the freedom. The only setback for me was, it couldn't be customized as much as I wanted it to be. So, the layouts looked plain and like all other standard LJs. Then, in 2004, I figured out how to customize it by overriding the LJ code. It took 2 days, but the result was satisfying. It was then that I also decided to release the LJ to public, since I figured there was no harm, and the entries I didn't want everyone to see would remain private. Thus, Serendipity debuted. At first glance, it might not look like I post much. However, 70% of my entries are for LJ Friends only, so they're not seen by anyone else. Realistically, I average about one post every couple of days.

t h e   o p i n i o n a t e d ;

There are several reasons why I thought it was fair to have 2 "journals." One, it's easier for me to read new entries of my friends. The entries are all grouped on one page, and very easy to keep track of. Two, I could easily make private entries well - private so that only my friends could see. Three, Eleventy-Two is where I rant about subjects that are presumably more intelligent. The LJ is where I can virtually be myself and write about anything that pops into my mind, uncensored.

-- visit Serendipity --